受到 @kepano 和這個有點荒謬的 nownownow.com 網站啟發,我也想要幫我的個人網站加一個專屬的 now page,畢竟我本身是個不會主動說自己在做些什麼的人 (畢竟大部分時間都在查查資料做做白日夢不好意思講出來),所以寫下來算是紀錄自己近期在想做的/正在做的一些事情,至於更新的話就隨緣吧XD

Things I’m Doing

  • Large Language Models (LLMs)
    • Pretraining & finetuning, including supervised fine-tuning (SFT) & Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).
    • Benchmarking.
    • Model compression algorithms.

Things I Want To Try

  • Build a simple bill splitting app.
    • Try out AI pair programming
    • Google Project IDX
    • Database
    • Integration with Discord/Line
    • Maybe LLM and prompt engineering?
  • Spotify Album Cover Display
    • MicroPython on RPi Pico.
    • Spotify integration.
    • Maybe embedded rust?
    • Maybe Matter integration?
  • NixOS on Raspberry Pi
  • Learn Rust